Theis Kragh
Hourly methane and carbon dioxide fluxes from temperate ponds
Hvad bestemmer fiskenes biodiversitet i danske søer?
Environmental predictors of lake fish diversity across gradients in lake age and spatial scale
Methane and carbon dioxide fluxes at high spatiotemporal resolution from a small temperate lake
Intelligente computersystemer i økologien
Ecosystem metabolism and gradients of temperature, oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon in the littoral zone of a macrophyte-dominated lake
External Phosphorus Loading in New Lakes
Vandløbenes CO2-overmætning og biodiversitet
Environmental drivers and sources of stream oxygen consumption in an agricultural lake catchment
Wind drives fast changes of light climate in a large, shallow re-established lake
Fisk i nye søer
Vandplanternes artsrigdom og udbredelse i nye søer
Carbon Dioxide Partial Pressure and Emission Throughout the Scandinavian Stream Network
From drought to flood: Sudden carbon inflow causes whole-lake anoxia and massive fish kill in a large shallow lake
Fingerprinting pike: The use of image recognition to identify individual pikes
Large pools and fluxes of carbon, calcium and phosphorus in dense charophyte stands in ponds
Kulstofbalancer of CO2 afgasning i danske søer og vandløb
Carbon dioxide efflux and ecosystem metabolism of small forest lakes
Shallow plant-dominated lakes – extreme environmental variability, carbon cycling and ecological species challenges
Carbon dioxide fluxes of air-exposed sediments and desiccating ponds
The carbon pump supports high primary production in a shallow lake
Technical note: A simple and cost-efficient automated floating chamber for continuous measurements of carbon dioxide gas flux on lakes
Photosynthesis and calcification of charophytes
Early ecosystem responses to watershed restoration along a headwater stream
Bedre og billigere teknologi til studier af klimagasser
Kalkudfældning, fotosyntese og fosforbinding hos kransnålalger i småsøer
Varm sommer med uventede konsekvenser for vandmiljøet
High rates and close diel coupling of primary production and ecosystem respiration in small, oligotrophic lakes
Små søer – talrige, oversete og oplagte studieobjekter
Temperaturdynamik i små søer - daglig lagdeling og opblanding